5 Cosmetic Surgeries Everybody Wants

In 2012, more than 10 million Americans have gone through a variety of plastic surgery and procedures. American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery introduces five of the most popular operations.

Boob Job

Number-one procedure is still breast augmentation, which is mainly resorted to by women dissatisfied with their small breast size. However, the reason for operation may be the the loss in size after an intense diet or pregnancy. To carry out breast augmentation doctors are using breast implants with silicone or saline. Much rare is fat transfer.

The fat is extracted during liposuction – second most popular procedure in 2012. With it, you can get some body parts trimmed, like the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, neck, arms, chin and cheeks. Typically, liposuction is carried out with a surgical aspirator and the pipe for fat removal, called a cannula.

After liposuction, unpleasant-looking skin folds, difficult to remove by diet or sport, may remain on your belly. To trim the abdominal zone, you may refer to abdominoplasty – third most popular procedure. With its help surgeons remove excess skin, providing a good stretch.

The fourth place belongs to blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, with which you can get excess skin, fat and muscle removed from the upper and lower eyelids. The procedure restores a youthful face, helps get rid of bags under the eyes, and improve sight by removing the overhanging upper eyelids.

Rhinoplasty closes the top five most popular operations in 2012. Once this operation was popular among women only, but now men increasingly attend beauty clinics to solve the “ugly nose” problem.

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