Interesting Smell Facts

What do we know about smell and how it does it affect our lives?

    By the age of 70, almost 30% of people do not feel subtle flavors.

    Scents are best felt when the air temperature is 37-38C.

    The sense of smell can be improved by 3-5% per year due to inhaling essential oils of rose, verbena, sage, rosemary, frankincense, juniper, sandalwood, myrrh, and patchouli. The best “smell coach” is basil.

    We perceive smells most clearly in the early morning, immediately after waking up.

    Fragrances are trapped by the nose and then transferred to smell receptors with the surface of 3 cm2 (about the size of a stamp).

    People with congenital insensitivity to pain do not feel smells.

    Four molecules of odorous substances are enough to awaken our sense of smell.

    Human beings have 10-11 million olfactory receptors, while dogs have 230 million receptors, i.e. 20 times more.

    The sense of smell diminishes by 50-60 % if a person starts smoking.

    Increased sense of smell (hyperospheresia) occurs in case of prolonged sexual abstinence, migraine, after delivery and during dieting and starvation.

    After sunbathing, the sharpness of smell may temporarily decrease (hyposmia).

    An urban dweller, living in the noisy civilization, does not feel up to 70% of the city smells.

    The most favorite smells for most people are those of fresh baked bread, freshly cut grass, and coffee.

    The acuteness of smell can be measured. It is done with a special device called olfactometer.

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